Awesome Self-Learning Techniques To Become A Salesforce Certified Admin

Salesforce has been taking every industry by the reins with its capability to streamline customer relations. This has prompted plenty of people to jump onto the Salesforce bandwagon by getting certified in this particular arena.  Becoming a Salesforce certified administrator has never been easier with numerous institutions offering sales force administration training at low prices. However, if you are considering becoming an expert in Salesforce administration on your own time, there are plenty of ways to go about that too.

Online Resources

Before starting on the path of becoming a Salesforce certified admin, take a look at all the online resources you have at your disposal. Some companies even foot bills for online training classes that their employees attend. So find out if your company is generous enough to fund t=your studies and if so, find an online class that has been reviewed by previous users as worth subscribing to. Some classes offer one-on-one training that can benefit you if you are a newbie to the Salesforce world.

Online training classes usually start off with you setting up a fictional company using the software and working with the environment to learn the different features available. It is important to make sure that you are well acquainted with each of the tools available before going for the exams.  After you have gone through the content of the online course, you can find plenty of free online resources that you can use to sharpen your newly picked skills.

Sample Tests

Sample tests are a great way for preparing for any upcoming exams, and the same goes for getting yourself certified as a Salesforce admin.  After you are done with the Salesforce training courses, find yourself a couple of online sample tests to test your knowledge and skills. These help you to decide whether you are ready for the test or not. If not, you get a chance to revise and go through all the topics before attempting the test. Unfortunately, since most tests are littered with previous questions asked during the certification examination, they do not mean you will get through your test for sure.  Use these test only as a reference to gauge the depth of your knowledge on the topic.


Exam Strategy

The Salesforce admin certification test is made up of 60 questions that need to be answered within 90 minutes. The questions are multiple choice questions, though they might have more than one right answer. The requirement for passing the test is to get at least 39 questions right, which comprises of 65% of the entire test. The option of attempting the test from home is available although cameras and security will be required to be set up before you proceed. Pre-plan how you are going to be allotting your exam time to different exam questions. Previous exam takers recommend splitting down the 90 minutes into three equal shifts and attempting to answer at least 20 questions in each time slot. This ensures that you answer the maximum number of questions possible.

At the end of the day, there is only so much that Salesforce admin certification training  can help you with, The rest is up to how much you devote your time and energy into preparing for the test. So get ready to reap the benefits after successfully completing the exam.

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